Scientific activity and popularization of achievements:
Much attention in LLC StankoPress is paid to scientific and innovative activities. The Company is the contractor and co-executor of research and development works. The desire of the young team to self-development, innovation, inventive activity, preparation and protection of scientific researches is encouraged.
The Council for Scientific Activities is active in the Company, with the participation of invited consultants, candidates and doctors of science, whose goal is to prepare and develop scientific personnel, and to orient the company's activities in the development and implementation of advanced ideas, technologies and research results of the profile universities.
Having the appropriate competencies, LLC StankoPress is the contractor and subcontractor of research and development work in the field of engineering, instrumentation and information technology.
The specialization of LLC StankoPress on the designing and manufacturing of heavy and unique (non-standard) technological equipment for the manufacturing and testing of products for various purposes allows not only to accumulate in the team a wide experience and a wide range of knowledge but also develops and supports the employees’ skills of non-standard thinking, fast search for non-trivial and best solutions, ensure the continuous development of competencies.
The innovative solutions used by specialists of LLC StankoPress in the development of the unique technological equipment are protected by patents. The authors of the Russian Federation patents for inventions are the leading engineers and specialists of LLC StankoPress.
All patents received by LLC StankoPress are approved and used in the production of serial and unique products. The patents of the Russian Federation for inventions owned by LLC StankoPress can have the significance for the enterprises of machine tool construction, mechanical engineering and metallurgical industry.
The publications of employees of LLC StankoPress are printed both in scientific and technical journals, and are included in reports at industry conferences, and are also published on the website in the «Articles and Publications» section.