JSC PC StankoPress team members at the qualification of WorldSkills Russia 2018

In December 2017, the team of JSC PC StankoPress took part in the qualifying stage of WorldSkills Russia 2018 championship. The regional coordinating center of the GAPOU MO «College» ENERGY», Reutov, the Moscow region, provided the base for the event.
JSC PC StankoPress pays much attention to attracting and training young team and working with the profile educational institutions and fully supports the idea of holding competitions of professional skills among future highly skilled employees.
In the case of the above-mentioned competition, the staff of JSC PC StankoPress also do not stand aside. On its production site, the Company prepared our young specialist Shchukin Ivan together with the educational institution of the State Educational Establishment of Kolomna Colleges.
In the struggle for prize-winning places the representatives of many cities of the Moscow region took part in the contest: Kolomna, Serpukhov, Reutov, Korolev, Lyubertsy, Khimki, Liki- Modulevo, Balashikha. Most of the contestants showed a high level of professional training.
Ivan dignified in the competence «Milling work on CNC machines» and took the fourth place in the overall standings, not getting a few hundredths of a point to the prize.