Engineers of JSC PC StankoPress completed traning course by Bosch Rexroth.

Keeping the competence of the team at level and its continual development is the only way to provide guaranteed quality level of the production and efficiency of the offered technical solutions.
Beside of the internal training program, JSC PC StankoPress technical team members regularly take part in training programs offered by world leading producers of the components that are used for designing and production or retrofitting of machine tools, presses, testing systems and unique process equipment.
In July 2017 personnel of JSC PC StankoPress completed refresher course in Moscow headquarter of Bosch Rexroth. During mentioned course team members got new knowledge on designing, installation, tunning, diagnostics and troubleshooting in hydraulic systems built on Bosch Rexroth components.
Training contained practicable part that been held on Bosch Rexroth educational systems, therefore students could practice all new knowledge.