JSC PC StankoPress stuff provides the support to specialized educational institutions

In recent years, almost every manufacturing company in Russia faces the problem of workers shortage and engineering the personnel with the proper qualifications. The system of targeting the younger generation and engineering professions in mechanical engineering is just beginning to revive. The influence of long-term crises of the late 1980s and 1990s, as well as historically conditioned demographic fluctuations in the entire post-Soviet space, is reflected which is reflected in the discontinuity of succession of generations.
The main role belongs to the school in the solution of the task of orienting pupils to employees' professors. But the success of all this work depends to a large extent on participation in the process of vocational schools/colleges and the production enterprises and their close cooperation with the school. Together we can achieve a more focused orientation of the young generation of the team to the profession.
Considering all the above mentioned aspects, JSC PC StankoPress pays the great attention to attracting and training young professionals and working with profile educational institutions.
Among other things, PC StankoPress actively cooperates with specialized institutions of the secondary and higher vocational education in the organization of the educational process: the employees are engaged in teaching, educational activities are conducted, and students are invited to practice or participate in the implementation of projects.
The example is the educational and mentoring activities of the Director for the production of JSC PC StankoPress A.A. Kozel, who, along with the main activity, conducts educational activities at Kolomna College to train young operators of CNC machine tools.
Andrey's mentoring activity has already succeeded: the students under his leadership took part and won prizes at the qualifying stage of the Regional Championship «Young Professionals» (WorldSkills Russia) in the Moscow region in 2016-2017 academic years.